Suzybower's Blog

Creative ideas for church and youth ministry.

Be still (service plan)

Here are some elements from an alternative service I led on the subject of stillness/silence/solitude/sabbath. It was just before the summer holidays, so I was encouraging people to think about how they might truly rest over their time off.

The background image I used for the powerpoint

I used the first of these videos as an introduction to the service, and the second for people to reflect on after the talk.

Lectio Divina Reading

(Click here for more info about Lectio Divina)


we hear and say so many words,

yet yours is the word we need.

Speak now,

and help us listen;

and, if what we hear is silence,

let it quiet us,

let it disturb us,

let it touch our need,

let it break our pride,

let it shrink our certainties

let it enlarge our wonder.


Read Passage – Matthew 11:28-30

Are there any phrases or words that particularly jump out to you?

Read again

Chew over the word or phrase that got your attention. Why did it stand out to you? What might God be trying to say to you through it? How does it apply to your life today?

Some questions from one of the discussion times

-What are the benefits of resting on a Sabbath day?

-In the current economic crisis is it fair to ask people to take a Sabbath?

– What advice would you give to people such as nurses, ministers and youth workers who tend to work on Sundays?

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